Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Omegaverse FAQ -- When/Where do these stories take place?

*Omega Rights? Does One Wild Heat happen later than His Surrogate Omega?

*This seems a lot like our world today. Is it?

*McCreary? Motherf*cking McCreary??? What is a McCreary doing there? Is this a mistake? Are you messing with us? You said this is a non-shifter omegaverse? WHERE ARE MY BEARS?


Okay, I get it. You have questions. I will answer as many of them as possible without giving away spoilers for future books as possible.

Let's start with that first question...

My Omegaverse is a really big place. Basically, there are large provinces which are walled off. Inside these provinces, you might have a city, some suburban sprawl, and possibly some areas that are a bit less urban. Outside the province is a thick, heavy wall, manned by betas to keep the residents of NO MAN'S LAND out.

Each province has their own provincial government that sets the rules of law. Each has an alpha council and judiciary system.

Some provinces are conservative and give omegas few rights. Others are more progressive and offer omegas varying levels of freedoms.

So, long story short—One Wild Heat and His Surrogate Omega take place in the same time period. They simply take place in different provinces with different laws governing reproductive rights and omegas.

Okay, wait a minute... what the hell is NO MAN'S LAND?

No Man Land is the generic term for the areas outside the walls. These places are where the wild things live... those unwilling to be good alphas/betas/omegas and live under the same rules of society.  They tend to be a little wild, live under their own moral code (or lack thereof) and have been known to scale walls to steal omegas in the past. This happens less often in the current period, but occurred a lot back in the days of harems and warlords, in the eras following the Great Catastrophe.


I'm afraid I can't fully answer that yet.

Series wise, it's been eons since it occurred—long enough that the verbal histories that came after blur the line between reality and myth. They all know something terrible happened to their world, but they're not sure exactly what.

But as their world grows more progressive, the search for answers grows more intriguing.

Which leads back to the second question at the top.

No, this is not our world. It's very much like our world.

Finally, the last question... Quinn McCreary and family... is there a connection to my Bear Mountain series.


Maybe not.

All I can say is this... my two series are NON-SHIFTER OMEGAVERSE.

I guess you'll have to keep reading if you want the full answer...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

New Release: UNEXPECTED HEAT: An MPREG Omegaverse Short

I heard so many say they wished they'd gotten to see more of Gray and Rohan from His Surrogate Omega... and I took those comments to heart. I decided to revisit these guys and tell a little more of their journey.


Gray and Rohan Parker have been through one hell of a year. A mating that started out with both life and death, they’ve held on tight to one another for months, just trying to survive. Needing some alone time, Rohan plans a lavish vacation to paradise for Gray’s next heat—the honeymoon they weren’t able to take. Now that their twins are fifteen-months, they hope to finally connect again and share an intimacy they haven’t been able to since the toddlers were made.

But a mix-up with the bags threatens their little piece of paradise and brings up old fears and buried emotions. They face up to the loss, the love, and their future together—and have to decide if they let nature take its course.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

NOW IN KU ~~ Both Bear Mountain Spinoffs ~~ Project Zed AND Midnight, Mississippi

If you've been waiting to read the PROJECT ZED and MIDNIGHT, MISSISSIPPI books until they were in Kindle Unlimited—welp, your wait is over.

Click on the links below to find them on Amazon.

*Click HERE to see the recommended reading order for the Bear Mountain, Project Zed, and Midnight series.

Recommended Reading Order for the Bear Mountain, Project Zed, and Midnight, Mississippi Books

Hi there! As many of you know, I began both Bear Mountain spinoff series midway through writing the twenty-three books* of Bear Mountain. 

Now that all three series are in Kindle Unlimited, there's been renewed interest in these series.

So here's a quick guide to which order I recommend them to be read in...

* * *

Bear Mountain Books 1-18

Beast, Project Zed, 1

Bear Mountain Books 19-20

Bearly Midnight, Midnight Mississippi, 1

Project Zed and Midnight books 1-4** aren’t linked... so either series can be read 1st/2nd

Bear Mountain Books 21-22 should be read AFTER the end of Project Zed

* * *

*Twenty-three books? Why do I only see twenty-two books for Bear Mountain?? Because Amazon doesn't like middle books and won't add them to series pages. Theirs by Bond is Bear Mountain Book 1.5 and it revisits Royce, Jared, and Carson from book one and expands on their story. And yes -- it's available in KU, too.

**The Midnight books also have one of those pesky 'in the middle books' that Amazon likes to hide. Theirs by Midnight is book 3.5. It is also in KU.


The Midnight, Mississippi series is NOT complete. Book 5 has been on my to-write list for far too long. I need to get my butt in gear and write it. The Omegaverse books stole my muse's attention... especially since there's at least 2-3 more books to write in that series. When they come, I'm going to recommend they be read after Bear Mountain Books 21 and 22, just in case.

Friday, May 17, 2019

NEW RELEASE: One Wild Heat: An MPREG Omegaverse Book (Alphas of the Western Provinces, 1)


One Wild Heat
An MPREG Omegaverse Book
Alphas of the Western Provinces, 1

After catching his beta boyfriend in bed with another alpha, Quinn McCreary needs a quiet space away before he does something he’ll regret—like let the man remain in his life. He heads up to the little used family lake house, hoping it’s enough distance between him and a cheating ex.

Too bad his younger omega brother has handed a key to that lake house to a friend who needs to cycle off his heat-blocking drugs. Bellamy Carter has waited too long and his body is struggling. He’s on the cusp of a wild heat—brought on by suppressing his nature too long. By the time he walks into the lake house, he’s in full heat… and there’s a sexy alpha across the room who’s more than willing to assist.

Quinn is enslaved by the instinct and goes into full rut. The pair spend several days in bed, sating the animal need within them both. When it’s over, they part awkwardly, still little more than strangers. Unsure how they feel about each other and the bond they’ve already seemed to forge, it’s not until they see each other again that they realize it wasn’t just a wild heat, but something more.

But will life get into the way of their happily ever after?

Note: This is NOT Avery's story. This is the first book in a new series based in the SAME WORLD as His Surrogate Omega.

This story takes place in a different province, where the laws governing omegas are less severe -- so these stories will be less angsty and a little more fluffy in comparison. There might be a tear or two, but I'm pretty sure they'll be happy ones!

My Coffee Addiction

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Omegaverse FAQ -- Heat Cycles in My Omegaverse

Over the years, I've had emails, messages, and even folks ask me questions at conventions and signings re: my omegaverse heats. I figured I'd share some of those questions and my answers here.

(I recently discussed the different heat medicines in a recent post, so if you want information on that, you might want to peek there.)

Q: Do omegas go into heat every month?

A: Yes! Omegas go into heat every 28 days, with onset at the full moon. (Their lunar cycle is just like ours on our world.)

During this time, an unmedicated omega will beg any nearby alpha to breed them. If an alpha is in an omega's presence during a heat, he will go into full rut. Heat meds don't make a heat go away, but can make it more manageable.

Heats typically last for 3-4 days.

Q: Why are they set to the moon's cycle?

A: It's me being cheeky.

Since there are actual men on our planet who believe all uterus owners are synched up and all go on their periods when the full moon comes, I made my omegas tied to that cycle as a bit of a joke. 

Hey, the Omega Quadrant books are dark and heavy. I had to put in some laughs here and there to help keep things light on occasion.

Q: At what age do omegas go into their first heat?

A: Most omegas go into their first heat between the ages of 16-17. Like anything else, there are those who sometimes fall outside the norm. Heats can start far earlier or much later.

An omega's first heat tends to be a bit chaotic. It almost always starts a bit earlier -- several days before the full moon, so the young omega's papa can be there to assist and provide emotional support. 

They also tend to to be shorter and less powerful than the norm. Most younger omega in heat age do not suffer quite as strongly -- not until they've matured a bit more. They're also a wee bit less fertile, too.

Most omegas begin using heat blocking meds immediately, from the very first heat. Like I explained in the heat meds post, Heat Repress was created to assist young, unmated omegas, and those between pregnancies -- so it was not meant to take continuously for more than a few years at a time. 

Heatex, being significantly stronger, has to be cycled off for a month every 1-2 years.

Q: What is cycling off?

A: While this is more a medication question, since NOT cycling off can cause weird heats to happen, I'll include it here. 

An omega who has taken Heatex for a year or two consistently, MUST take a month off and have a full heat. There are "omega spas" and other safe places where omegas can do this without being in danger of being mated by an alpha and are often run by betas trained to assist.

Heat Repress, being a MUCH milder drug, doesn't have to be cycled off as often, perhaps every 10-20 years, though not many know of this requirement, since it is so rare for an omega not to be claimed and impregnated during their heat years. (Omegas don't use the heat medications while pregnant/nursing, so that's considered a "cycling off" period, as well.)

Gray, in His Surrogate Omega, was reaching the limits with Heat Repress and needed to cycle off, but he did not have the language for this as he did not know that was something he needed to do.

Q: What happens if an omega doesn't cycle off?

A: A WILD HEAT can occur if the meds aren't cycled off. Basically, the omega's body has gotten so accustomed to the medication that it becomes less effective. Driven to extremes without cycling off a heat, it can trigger a heat that's even more explosive than an unmedicated full heat. A Wild Heat can last more than 3-4 days, as well.

In the months leading up to a wild heat, signs will appear. An omega will be hornier and wilder, need sex more, have less and less control.

An omega experiencing a wild heat goes a bit insane and they have been known to go to extremes to get to an alpha to sate their need.

You got a peek at this happening in One Wild Heat (Alphas of the Western Provinces, 1). 

Q: Are there other types of heats?

A: Yes!

The very first time a fated alpha-omega pair meet, a CONTACT HEAT can occur, whether it's a full moon, or not. It's typically not as strong as a full heat and can be controlled somewhat by heat meds, if the omega is taking them.

This is also classified as a SPONTANEOUS HEAT, and there can be other reasons for a spontaneous heat to occur, like aging, other medicines the omega is taking, or illness.

An omega is less fertile in a spontaneous/contact heat than any other. Mating is much less likely to result in a pregnancy during one of these.

Q: Can betas or other omegas sexually assist an omega in heat?

A: Omegas suffering alone through a heat typically use a dildo to minimize their need, so yes, another penis can help a little—but none of them will provide what an alpha's cock can.

Alphas who are not an omega's fated mate can provide that service, as well. While most omegas refuse to use an alpha partner for fear of getting pregnant (or a sense of duty to their alpha, perhaps?), there are some that prefer the satisfaction only an alpha can provide. 

Q: Is there birth control?

A: Yes, but it depends on the province whether it is legal or not. 

Condoms are readily available in most provinces—mostly because birth is arduous for an omega and having back to back children isn't recommended. Omegas who are nursing cannot take Heatex or Heat Repress, so they are at risk of getting pregnant too quickly. Condoms can help prevent this.

Medical intervention, in the form of "the pill" or something akin to the diaphragm is also available, depending on legality of the province.

Q: Is abortion legal in this universe?

A: In some provinces, yes, and like here, there is a lot of stigma surrounding it.

Q: At what age do omegas stop being fertile?

A: Similar to our world, most omegas lose fertility as they age. Most see fewer pregnancies in their late thirties/early forties, though, it is not completely unheard of to have a pregnancy up to the early fifties. 

Many omegas in their forties experience fluctuating heats, meaning they might skip cycles here and there and start having fewer of them until they stop.

Because birth is arduous, wombs are often damaged with multiple pregnancies and are often removed after the birth of 3-5 children. 

Large families are rare, though were seen more often in older generations.

Have a question you'd like me to include here? Send it to me.

Updated July 29, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2019

PREORDER NOW! One Wild Heat: An MPREG Omegaverse Book

One Wild Heat
An MPREG Omegaverse Book
(Alphas of the Western Provinces, 1)

~Coming to Amazon & Kindle Unlimted 17 May 2019~

After catching his beta boyfriend in bed with another alpha, Quinn McCreary needs a quiet space away before he does something he’ll regret—like let the man remain in his life. He heads up to the little used family lake house, hoping it’s enough distance between him and a cheating ex.

Too bad his younger omega brother has handed a key to that lake house to a friend who needs to cycle off his heat-blocking drugs. Bellamy Carter has waited too long and his body is struggling. He’s on the cusp of a wild heat—brought on by suppressing his nature too long. By the time he walks into the lake house, he’s in full heat… and there’s a sexy alpha across the room who’s more than willing to assist.

Quinn is enslaved by the instinct and goes into full rut. The pair spend several days in bed, sating the animal need within them both. When it’s over, they part awkwardly, still little more than strangers. Unsure how they feel about each other and the bond they’ve already seemed to forge, it’s not until they see each other again that they realize it wasn’t just a wild heat, but something more.

But will life get into the way of their happily ever after?

Note: This is NOT Avery and Wilder's story. It's the first book in a new series based in the SAME WORLD as His Surrogate Omega.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Coming 17 May 2019 ~ One Wild Heat

One Wild Heat
An MPREG Omegaverse Book
(Alphas of the Western Provinces, 1)

~Coming 17 May 2019~

After catching his beta boyfriend in bed with another alpha, Quinn McCreary needs a quiet space away before he does something he’ll regret—like let the man remain in his life. He heads up to the little used family lake house, hoping it’s enough distance between him and a cheating ex.

Too bad his younger omega brother has handed a key to that lake house to a friend who needs to cycle off his heat-blocking drugs. Bellamy Carter has waited too long and his body is struggling. He’s on the cusp of a wild heat—brought on by suppressing his nature too long. By the time he walks into the lake house, he’s in full heat… and there’s a sexy alpha across the room who’s more than willing to assist.

Quinn is enslaved by the instinct and goes into full rut. The pair spend several days in bed, sating the animal need within them both. When it’s over, they part awkwardly, still little more than strangers. Unsure how they feel about each other and the bond they’ve already seemed to forge, it’s not until they see each other again that they realize it wasn’t just a wild heat, but something more.

But will life get into the way of their happily ever after?

Note: This new series is based in the same world as His Surrogate Omega (Omega Quadrant, 1) -- though it's in another part of that world where the provincial laws are slightly different. The omegas there have a little more freedom, so these stories aren't quite as angsty as its sister series. But there still might be a couple of tears involved. Happy ones, I promise.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Omegaverse FAQ -- What are these heat drugs the omegas take?

I know you have questions about Heat Repress and what it does exactly.

Or the drugs Avery is taking to let him pass as a beta... I mean, what the hell are they and where the hell did he find them?

So, here's all you need to know about the heat drugs our omegas might or might not be on in my Omegaverse books.

**Note -- if you're interested in reading more about heats in my Omegaverse, check out THIS post.

1. Heat Repress  

This is the one most of you are familiar with from His Surrogate Omega. It's the drug that's threatening to stop working for Gray and the reason he feels he has no choice but to become a surrogate -- to give his body a break.

Heat Repress doesn't completely curb an omega's heat. On it, they are still riddled with lust and the desire to be mated, but the urge is contained and prevents an unmated omega from going over the edge, climbing the city walls, and begging ANY alpha to breed him.

Alphas in an omega-in-heat's presence will go into partial rut.

It must be taken twice daily -- morning and evening -- starting on the day before a heat begins (linked to the lunar cycle) through to the end of the heat -- a total of four days.

It does NOT prevent pregnancy.

It does nothing to hide an omega's scent from alphas.

For mated couples, it allows clarity of mind. So things like condoms don't get forgotten in the heat of the moment.

Truly meant to help younger, unmated omegas until they find their mates—as well as mated ones between pregnancies—it isn't made to be on long-term. Hence Gray's issue with it beginning to fail him.

2. Heatex

Illegal in the Eastern Provinces (where His Surrogate Omega takes place) this is basically a much, much stronger version of Heat Repress. Omegas in the Western Provinces have already battled for their rights and use Heatex and Scentex to control their own reproductive rights.

Heatex curbs 80-90% of an omega's heat. There's still a bit of lust, but it can be easily contained and does not bring their world to a complete halt.

Alphas in the presence of an omega on Heatex do not go into rut (unless it's beginning to fail -- then they'll go into varying stages of rut depending on how bad the failure is...)

The pills must be taken twice daily -- morning and evening -- starting on the day before a heat begins (linked to the lunar cycle) through to the end of the heat -- a total of four days -- just like Heat Repress.

It does NOT prevent pregnancy.

It does nothing to hide an omega's scent from alphas.

One con to Heatex, like Heat Repress, it can fail if an omega uses it non-stop without an occasional break. Once every year or two, an omega needs to cycle off. Because it's stronger than Heat Repress, that failure happens faster. If an omega continuously takes Heatex non-stop, it will fail them in 3-5 years.

Sometimes it's difficult for an unmated omega to cycle off. They must be in a safe place, protected, to ensure they can cycle off without the chances of being bred. This sometimes leads some omegas to overuse and less cycling off -- especially those with less financial means.

3. Scentex

Also illegal in the Eastern Provinces, the omegas of the Western Provinces use this drug to mask their scent. It allows them the freedom to move amongst alphas without worrying their alpha could find them and publicly claim them. On Scentex, their alpha could pass by them without an idea their omega was within arm's reach.

It also helps curb their desire for their alpha, as it impacts their own scent glands, too. In other words, an omega knows their alpha at first scent -- but they can control their reaction better thanks to the Scentex.

Scentex is a liquid/injectable. It must be administered once every three months via syringe into a fatty part of the body. Once a dosage is missed, it can take up to three weeks before an omega's scent becomes detectable again.

It does NOT prevent pregnancy.

It does nothing to alter an omega's heat.

****UPDATE TO ADD - Scentex is made to be used in conjunction with Heatex. If an omega is in heat, Scentex might not be strong enough to fully cover the scent of an omega's slick. An alpha nearby could potentially scent him, particularly in close quarters in an enclosed space. ****

4. Birth Control 

There are birth control pills in this world, but they're illegal in many provinces. There's also side effects that can cause an omega to become infertile, which has helped cause a bit of a stigma surrounding any omega or couple who uses them in the provinces that do allow them.

Condoms are the prophylactic of choice in most provinces and are very effective if used properly.

A device similar to a diaphragm is also used in some cases, particularly nursing omegas unable to return to their heat blocking drugs. While nursing, most omegas' heats are naturally milder anyway thanks to the higher levels of pregnancy hormones still in their blood, so they tend not to suffer as much on their own.

**Note -- if you're interested in reading more about heats in my Omegaverse, check out THIS post.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 2019 Writing Update -- AKA -- "No offense, but when THE FUCK is there going to be a new book??"

I know, I know...

I usually put books out at a fairly regular clip and here lately I've not been doing that.

I had some health issues and had to take a few weeks off writing to heal. It's still a process and I'm not 100%, but I'm getting there. And I have some good news... there are some new books coming.

Bad news... the muse wasn't ready to complete Wilder and Avery's story quite yet.

I WON'T force it. I've forced books before (recently, Bear Mountain 22) and it's painful to do and I'm never happy with the completed product. Wilder and Avery deserve better than that.

While doing a little brainstorming for Wilder and Avery's story, I realized there were a few questions about the drugs Avery is taking to conceal who he is. Where did they come from? How did he get them? What is the difference between Heat Repress and whatever it is he's on?

The answers to those questions led me toward a new path in my Omegaverse. Since the muse was dragging on Wilder and Avery's story, I turned my attention there. So, in other words -- there is a new novel based in the Omegaverse coming later this month -- One Wild Heat (Alphas of the Western Provinces, 1).

It's already done and in my editor's hands. Beta readers have given me the thumbs up -- so I think we're getting close. I hope to release it mid-May.

Now, a lot of you have commented that you really wish there had been more one on one time with Gray and Rohan at the end of His Surrogate Omega. I heard you. And you're getting what you asked for. I'm nearly done writing a Gray and Rohan short story that takes place when the twins are 15 months old.

It's slated for release late May!

I'm also a part of an upcoming promotion for Memorial Day! I'll be one of 20+ authors participating in the SUMMER HEAT MPREG Giveaway! More details on that will come closer to the end of the May!

Once that short story is completed, the plan is to get back to Wilder and Avery's story - His Reluctant Omega. The hope is to write THE END by June and get it out June/July -- but I have to let my muse lead the way. I want their story to be amazing and rival His Surrogate Omega as your favorite :)

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