Monday, June 10, 2024

Update June 2024

The summer will soon officially begin and we're knee-deep in PRIDE this month—I figured I might as well sneak in an update before I'm off to enjoy the outdoors (I lie... I'm probably gonna be writing my ass off indoors!)

I'm keeping this as short and sweet as I can...

1. Gideon's book arrives 21 June - To Hell and Back was a fun ride and I am SOOOOOOO proud of how it turned out. I hope you enjoy it and the world of Enchanted Ink. Just out the link on the right of your screen for the link.

2. One Wild Omega arrives on Audible and Amazon Audiobook as soon as ACX approves it. Sadly, there's no way to determine an ETA. They've approved audiobooks as fast as 6-7 days and as long as 3 weeks. This one is narrated by Michael Dean, by the way (and he's going to be working on Three Alarm Heat later this year.)

3. I'm pounding the keys on Omega Quadrant #3. At this stage, I'm nearing the midway point. And there's a bit of a change. I HAD planned to write Tulla's story but I've switched gears because someone else was screaming to have his story told. No worries, Tulla is still coming... he's moving to book four or five. 

4. While I'm writing OQ #3, I've been working a bit on a new co-writing project with April Andrews.

5. Next up for me is a Christmas story I need to finish sooooon. It will be arriving later this year.

6. I contributed two novellas to charity projects this year. Those anthologies will be coming down in June and July... and both of the novellas will be available as individual e-books soon thereafter.

7. I have a few more books that I want to get to before the end of the year, just not sure if I can manage them all. The ones yelling the most in the back of my mind is Omegawood #3, Mermen #2, and Alphas of the Western Province #4... and I haven't given up on the Bishop's Bay series, either (plus I'll be starting work on the next Enchanted Ink book, too.) 

Send good thoughts that I get a ton of work done this second half of the year! I've got a lot I want to get done.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

To Hell and Back (Enchanted Ink, 3) Available for Preorder!

To Hell and Back

Enchanted Ink, 3

by Kelex

Universal link:


Hell hath no fury like a Gideon scorned.

Gideon Goode is clever as the devil and twice as pretty. He even has the t-shirt to prove it. When the coven takes down a den of demons, it’s him they turn to in order to clean up the mess. While they search for a permanent solution, Gideon uses his power over memory to trap the beasts, caging them within the very humans they possessed.


But the search for the right spell eludes the coven, much to Gideon’s chagrin. The continuous enchantments siphon off his magic, causing him to grow weaker as time passes. Sexual healing helps, but he’s mateless and there’s only so much random d*ck he can take before that gets old. Not that he’d admit that to anyone. He has a rep to maintain.


The instant someone starts killing off his prisoners, Gideon senses it. The coven goes on high alert to search for who’s targeting their otherwordly captives, but not before Lucifer gets involved—and—Gideon’s mates show up in town.


What’s a boy to do but to go to Hell and back to protect what’s his?

Queer Romance, MMM, Trans Masc Character

Urban Fantasy/Fantasy Magic/Paranormal (Shifter)


Potential Trigger-Warnings: Violence, Demonic Violence, Body Dysmorphia, MMF sex-scene

Friday, May 3, 2024

Update May 2024

Greetings and Salutations!

I've not posted here in a while, so I thought it might be time for a little update to let y'all know what's going on in Kelexville.

And lemme tell you... it's a lot.

First, PARIS! I was a signing author at RARE Paris on April 6th. My daughter and I were there a week, exploring Paris, doing a bit of research, and of course, the signing. Meeting my French readers was amazing and gave me a much-needed boost to the confidence. Imposter Syndrome is THE WORST.

Days after returning home, there was a medical emergency for my father-in-law in North Carolina, a few days before we were already supposed to arrive for my grandmother-in-law's 90th birthday celebration. So we ended up there a bit earlier and longer than planned.

We got home from that last week and have been playing catch up and recovering from jet lag.

Losing three weeks amidst everything I've got going on was not the greatest, but I'm very much recharged and excited with what's to come.

I'm going to break this update into three parts: New and interesting, upcoming appearances, and ending on the part you REALLY want to know about BOOKS.


1. I have a new Patreon where I am offering early access to my work, artwork I've commissioned, and opportunities to connect in a new way. There is free membership and posts available to everyone, as well as paid tiers where you can have access to all kinds of goodies.  Check it out here. Chapter 9 of To Hell and Back just got posted yesterday.

2. Only Skin Deep is being produced into an audiobook through the Hoof and Fang Podcast. They're sharing in serial format, new chapters each week. Once it's complete, they will be offering it for sale on their store for a year, then it'll be available on Audible/Amazon for those of you who have credits burning their fingers.

3. I'm working on a storefront of my own with Kelex merch. I've commissioned some really amazing artwork in the last few months and after it's done a tour on my Patreon, I will be selling items in my shop. Coming soon!


Here is a list of all the events I plan to attend for the rest of 2024 and through 2026.

1. Rainbow Readers Cruise August 2024. I will be one of the signing authors taking the cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to KeyWest and Coco Bay, Bahamas. 

2. Read the Rainbow April 2025 One day signing in Havre de Grace, MD

3. [TBA Signing] June 2025 Virginia

4. ShiMMer UK June 2025

4. RARE London July 2025 (Tickets are not on sale yet; you can follow the RARETTES HERE for more news)

5. Book Harvest October 2025 Chicago (Tickets are not on sale yet; you can follow the organizers HERE for more news)

6. RARE Berlin 2026


1. As mentioned above, To Hell and Back (Enchanted Ink, 3) is being made available chapter by chapter on my new Patreon. It's currently at 90,000 words, so the end is in sight! I hope to have it finished very soon and looking for a mid-to-late May release date.

2. As soon as I wrap that up, I'm returning to Omega Quadrant #3, already in progress.

3. I'm also working on a new co-written series with April Andrews. We begin work on that in a couple of weeks.

4. After OQ3 is complete, I'll have to take stock and figure out where my muse wants to go next. I have the following books on my to-write list for 2024, but I'm already VERY behind (per my usu) so not sure how many of these I will manage to finish this year:

    • Omegawood (Valleywood) 3
    • Mermen 2
    • Enchanted Ink 5
    • Western Alphas 4
    • Secret Project
    • Another Secret Project
    • Another Secret Project

That about sums it up. I feel tired just thinking about it all! Time to go write. 



Monday, January 29, 2024

Manties Monday

 I'm sharing some of my all-time favorite Manties Monday posts all January long...

Monday, January 22, 2024

Manties Monday

I'm sharing some of my all-time favorite Manties Monday posts all January long...

Monday, January 15, 2024

Manties Monday

I'm sharing some of my all-time favorite Manties Monday posts all January long...

Monday, January 8, 2024

Manties Monday

I'm revisiting some of my favorite Manties Mondays posts this January...

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