Friday, June 28, 2019
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Suddenly His Alpha Re-Release 28 June 2019!
My short, Suddenly His Alpha, was included in the Cupid's Errors Anthology in January 2019. It was only available through April and removed from sale. Now I'm re-releasing it for those who didn't get a chance to read it in the anthology, or those who are late to the party!
This is a short prequel to Avery and Wilder's Story. It introduces us to an important character that will play a large role in Avery's journey. This short takes place many years prior to the start of this series... before there even was a Rohan and Jamie.
I have updated this story, added more to it, and made some semi-important changes toward the end. (Also, it no longer happens during Valentine's Day.) I can't give any of the more important changes away now, but I might offer a spoiler post detailing the changes later down the road, once folks have had a little time to read the story for the first time.
This is a short prequel to Avery and Wilder's Story. It introduces us to an important character that will play a large role in Avery's journey. This short takes place many years prior to the start of this series... before there even was a Rohan and Jamie.
I have updated this story, added more to it, and made some semi-important changes toward the end. (Also, it no longer happens during Valentine's Day.) I can't give any of the more important changes away now, but I might offer a spoiler post detailing the changes later down the road, once folks have had a little time to read the story for the first time.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
In kürze kommen: Crashs Bruchlandung (Quads vom Planeten Alpha S, Buch 1)
Crashs Bruchlandung
Quads vom Planeten Alpha S
Buch 1
Captain Kaden 'Crash' Saunders ist beauftragt, eine gefährliche Rettungsmission nach Alpha S zu leiten, einem gefährlichen Planeten auf der anderen Seite eines intergalaktischen Wurmlochs. Dort angekommen, verursacht das den Planeten umgebende elektromagnetische Feld den Absturz seines Schiffes.
Der Planet Alpha S ist seit Jahren tabu für die Föderierte Marine und ihre Schiffe – wegen ihrer unheimlichen und bösartigen Gegenspieler, den Xinthpats, die zu sehr auf menschliches Blut stehen. Die Xinthpats haben bisher jeden Menschen getötet, der einen Fuß auf Alpha S gesetzt hat, aber Crash ist entschlossen, dass seine Männer nicht zu diesen gehören werden.
Crashs bester Freund wird vom Feind geschnappt und Crash schreckt vor nichts zurück, um ihn zu finden. Er begegnet einem Trio von sexy, lila vampirischen Außerirdischen, die ihm helfen wollen, wenn Kaden sich ihnen unterwirft und ihnen erlaubt, seinen Körper vollständig zu beanspruchen.
Crash ist schockiert von seiner Reaktion auf ihre Berührungen - und ihre Blutgier -, die ihn lüstern macht und nach mehr verlangen lässt. Aber er muss sein Begehren lange genug beiseiteschieben, um besten Freund und den Rest seiner Crew zu retten.
Der Planet Alpha S ist seit Jahren tabu für die Föderierte Marine und ihre Schiffe – wegen ihrer unheimlichen und bösartigen Gegenspieler, den Xinthpats, die zu sehr auf menschliches Blut stehen. Die Xinthpats haben bisher jeden Menschen getötet, der einen Fuß auf Alpha S gesetzt hat, aber Crash ist entschlossen, dass seine Männer nicht zu diesen gehören werden.
Crashs bester Freund wird vom Feind geschnappt und Crash schreckt vor nichts zurück, um ihn zu finden. Er begegnet einem Trio von sexy, lila vampirischen Außerirdischen, die ihm helfen wollen, wenn Kaden sich ihnen unterwirft und ihnen erlaubt, seinen Körper vollständig zu beanspruchen.
Crash ist schockiert von seiner Reaktion auf ihre Berührungen - und ihre Blutgier -, die ihn lüstern macht und nach mehr verlangen lässt. Aber er muss sein Begehren lange genug beiseiteschieben, um besten Freund und den Rest seiner Crew zu retten.
Vorbestellung Kommen 5 Juli 2019
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
New to KU - Quads of Alpha S and Tales of Triple M Ranch!
Calling either of these series *NEW* is a bit of a stretch, but they ARE NEW to Kindle Unlimited!
Both of my early series are MM ménage erotica. NOT ROMANCE. So if you prefer to read romances, these series are likely not for you. But if you enjoy a little fun romp in space or reading about hot cowboys on a cattle farm, then by all means, have fun...
The Quads of Alpha S series was one of my first series, written back in 2013. I'm sure they show how green I was as an author back then, but even so, I had a blast writing this Sci-Fi Ménage a Quatre (MMMM) erotic series. I love Sci-Fi and the possibilities it allows...
Crash Landing is the first in the series and the best place to start.
And the Tales from Triple M Ranch arrived in 2015. These guys were so much fun to write -- gay cowboys who loved to spend their free time in one another's beds!
Near the end of this series, though, you will see my pivot toward writing erotic romance versus erotica. While writing hot sex is fun, I needed more, and needed to grow as an author.
I recommend starting with Rode Hard, the first book in the series.
Both of my early series are MM ménage erotica. NOT ROMANCE. So if you prefer to read romances, these series are likely not for you. But if you enjoy a little fun romp in space or reading about hot cowboys on a cattle farm, then by all means, have fun...

Crash Landing is the first in the series and the best place to start.
And the Tales from Triple M Ranch arrived in 2015. These guys were so much fun to write -- gay cowboys who loved to spend their free time in one another's beds!
Near the end of this series, though, you will see my pivot toward writing erotic romance versus erotica. While writing hot sex is fun, I needed more, and needed to grow as an author.
I recommend starting with Rode Hard, the first book in the series.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Decision Time on Avery and Wilder's Story...
So, I've been working on Avery and Wilder's story for a few weeks. I had a (what I thought was) good outline and what was leftover from book one that I didn't use.
Let me back up a bit here. What I mean by "leftover from book one that I didn't use" is...
The first Omega Quadrant book was supposed to be Avery and Wilder's story. Gray's storyline was a secondary one, but after months of playing with it, shelving it for a while, and torturing it a little while, I realized who the REAL stars of that book were. So I pulled out all of the parts that were Gray, Jamie, and/or Rohan's, pieced it back together, and then figured out a way to move forward.
That left me with about fifteen scenes of Avery's that I couldn't use. So, when I returned to work on his story, I pulled those fifteen scenes out and took a look at them to see what I could still use and what might need to exit, stage left.
No authors want's to pitch words they've written. Ever. But sometimes it needs to happen. So I wrote an outline that used as much of what I had as possible and went to work. I pieced those scenes together and added some new scenes...
But it just didn't feel right.
So I took it apart again, did a little verbal surgery, and tried again. But it still didn't feel right.
I took a couple of days off, let my brain veg, and then came back to it.
Attempt #3 looked promising. I got about 40% of the book complete, but upon review a couple of days ago—it just didn't feel worthy of Avery and Wilder.
I don't feel the heat. I don't feel the connection between them. It just isn't right.
Let me tell you that I am well aware that His Surrogate Omega is the best thing I've ever written. I'm proud as hell of that story. It was my baby and I languished over it for nearly a year. I loved those characters and the journey they went on... so there's no way in hell I'm going to put out a sub-standard book to follow it up.
I know there are a lot of folks who want to read Avery and Wilder's story. Trust me, I'm one of them. I want the words I write to excite me and make me cry like the ones I wrote for Jamie, Rohan, and Gray.
Pushing it, forcing it... the end product won't be pretty. I've done that before, written a book because readers were vocal about wanting it and then we were all disappointed with the results. My muse needs to be ready to write that book, so I'm giving my muse a little more time to come up with the right path, even if it means utterly abandoning the pieces I've already written and coming up with something completely new. (Side note: I have this amazing scene I wrote with Avery that was supposed to be the first scene in book one. It got pushed to the prologue of book two... and I cannot lose this scene, but if it has to go, it has to go.)
So, I'm shelving their story a little while longer and letting my head and my heart figure that all out... and I'm moving on to write Tanner's story in the sister series, Alphas of the Western Provinces. Tanner's been SCREAMING since the end of One Wild Heat, so he's pleased. Maybe once I write One Wild Omega, I can get back to Wilder and Avery.
Let me back up a bit here. What I mean by "leftover from book one that I didn't use" is...
The first Omega Quadrant book was supposed to be Avery and Wilder's story. Gray's storyline was a secondary one, but after months of playing with it, shelving it for a while, and torturing it a little while, I realized who the REAL stars of that book were. So I pulled out all of the parts that were Gray, Jamie, and/or Rohan's, pieced it back together, and then figured out a way to move forward.
That left me with about fifteen scenes of Avery's that I couldn't use. So, when I returned to work on his story, I pulled those fifteen scenes out and took a look at them to see what I could still use and what might need to exit, stage left.
No authors want's to pitch words they've written. Ever. But sometimes it needs to happen. So I wrote an outline that used as much of what I had as possible and went to work. I pieced those scenes together and added some new scenes...
But it just didn't feel right.
So I took it apart again, did a little verbal surgery, and tried again. But it still didn't feel right.
I took a couple of days off, let my brain veg, and then came back to it.
Attempt #3 looked promising. I got about 40% of the book complete, but upon review a couple of days ago—it just didn't feel worthy of Avery and Wilder.
I don't feel the heat. I don't feel the connection between them. It just isn't right.
Let me tell you that I am well aware that His Surrogate Omega is the best thing I've ever written. I'm proud as hell of that story. It was my baby and I languished over it for nearly a year. I loved those characters and the journey they went on... so there's no way in hell I'm going to put out a sub-standard book to follow it up.
I know there are a lot of folks who want to read Avery and Wilder's story. Trust me, I'm one of them. I want the words I write to excite me and make me cry like the ones I wrote for Jamie, Rohan, and Gray.
Pushing it, forcing it... the end product won't be pretty. I've done that before, written a book because readers were vocal about wanting it and then we were all disappointed with the results. My muse needs to be ready to write that book, so I'm giving my muse a little more time to come up with the right path, even if it means utterly abandoning the pieces I've already written and coming up with something completely new. (Side note: I have this amazing scene I wrote with Avery that was supposed to be the first scene in book one. It got pushed to the prologue of book two... and I cannot lose this scene, but if it has to go, it has to go.)
So, I'm shelving their story a little while longer and letting my head and my heart figure that all out... and I'm moving on to write Tanner's story in the sister series, Alphas of the Western Provinces. Tanner's been SCREAMING since the end of One Wild Heat, so he's pleased. Maybe once I write One Wild Omega, I can get back to Wilder and Avery.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
The picture that got me kicked off Facebook...
Facebook reminded me this morning that it was my 5-year anniversary. And it is and it isn't. It has been 5 years since I started that account, but I started it after they banned my OLD ACCOUNT I'd already had for a few years.
Why'd they ban my account?
For sharing a picture of Brad Pitt.
Yes, Brad Pitt is the reason Facebook blocked me. Fuckin' Brad Pitt.
So, here is the picture that was so scandalous that FB had to crash my whole entire social media world in 2014.
I should be SO ASHAMED, right? I mean, it can't be much worse than that, right? A bare bum? SCANDALOUS!
Now, you might ask—why in the hell would they block you for a bum? Welp, FB was closing a lot of LGBTQIA authors, artists, and performers during that time period—one of their many rounds of surges. It didn't take much to get punted from their system. I'd already gotten a smack on the wrist for another photo, which one I can't recall, but I doubt it was any worse than this. Probably less. I didn't post nudity on my FB account because it was public at the time, so Brad's bum here WAS pushing the line a bit.
Why'd they ban my account?
For sharing a picture of Brad Pitt.
Yes, Brad Pitt is the reason Facebook blocked me. Fuckin' Brad Pitt.
So, here is the picture that was so scandalous that FB had to crash my whole entire social media world in 2014.
I should be SO ASHAMED, right? I mean, it can't be much worse than that, right? A bare bum? SCANDALOUS!
Now, you might ask—why in the hell would they block you for a bum? Welp, FB was closing a lot of LGBTQIA authors, artists, and performers during that time period—one of their many rounds of surges. It didn't take much to get punted from their system. I'd already gotten a smack on the wrist for another photo, which one I can't recall, but I doubt it was any worse than this. Probably less. I didn't post nudity on my FB account because it was public at the time, so Brad's bum here WAS pushing the line a bit.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Friday, June 7, 2019
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
FREE Short Story - Fireworks Over Bear Mountain
For those of you who've recently been devouring my Bear Mountain books on Kindle Unlimited, I thought I'd share a little freebie.
I shared this last summer as part of Manlove Fantasies Summer 2018 and then reposted it on my site for any stragglers to read.
Monday, June 3, 2019
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