I try to remain away from politics, but I can't simply remain silent and not comment on recent events.
I sit here nearly a week and a half after Pulse and still feel just as heartbroken. Our lawmakers have let us down... again.
And again...
And again...
When will it stop? Up to 75% of Americans believe in gun control. It's not taking guns away from everyday citizens, it's limiting those who shouldn't have guns in the first place... those with ties to terrorists... or mental instability...
People like Matten...
How many more do we need to add to the list before the US Congress steps up and does what it should?
No, passing gun control laws might not save everyone, but we've got to start somewhere. We cannot let those in Orlando... Sandy Hook... Charleston... be forgotten. We cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the things wrong with our country and think someone else will make it right.
How do we change things? That's a question I've been pondering since Orlando. I donated blood and money to the effort (although I'm too far for my blood to have made an impact there, it was the only things I could think to do immediately after the event.)
You can start by calling your senator. Easily find out how right here: http://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/
Want to find out ways you can help both locally and globally? You can check out the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence here: http://csgv.org
Make your voice heard.