I'm currently working on the next in the Quads of Alpha S series - Wynne's Surrender. If you read Tripp's Claiming, then you have an idea of where this story is headed. Now if I can only get all the body parts in order and get the logistics to work, we're in business. Luckily, I have a wonderful editor who will ensure all the hands and appendages are in the right places.

Once complete, I'm back to the Whorehouse/Shifter Rebellion series, with The Whorehouse Oracle. I just got the cover for this one, so sharing it here.
And then after that, I've got a new series coming that, for now, is top secret. Keep an eye out, there will be more details coming down the pipeline.
Now, with Turkey Day coming, and all the family and celebrating, hopefully I'll get some decent word count in for the week ahead. I need to double up the next couple of days and dig deep.